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The Group Sosoares has its origins in the creation of society “Sosoares – Máquinas e Ferragens, Lda” in 26th December of 1979, whose activity began as trade in machinery and hardware for the industry of aluminum window frames.


Consequence of a strategy and the company's positioning in the market-oriented to innovation, product quality and customer service, this developed in a sustained way its trajectory, becoming a Group through acquisitions and investments with the aim of having a vertical view of the business.


The Group is currently composed of 4 SMEs, "Alfa Sul SA" "Alulider, Lda", Portalex SA" and "Sosoares SA" – that complement each other in design, development, production and commercialization of aluminum frames and glass for architecture whose own brand is "Sistemas Euro 2000".


It has more than 250 dedicated and motivated employees, including 28 commercial technicians targeted to direct support to customer service. In 2013 has obtained a turnover of approximately € 32 million.

The group, bearing in mind the current situation and evolution of buildings architecture, recently concluded an investment of around € 15 million in a glass unit, integrating the latest technologies and a full range of modern equipments in transforming glass for architecture. Aiming on one hand to complement its activity by integrating in the final product the two materials such as the aluminum and glass, adding them value and differentiation, on the other hand to meet the demands of professionals of the sector who lead the current architecture target to transparency in which the dominant material is glass and the relation factors are:


I - Minimalist Aesthetics (maximum transparency, minimum structural view)

II - Comfort and environment


Light transmission

Solar control (greenhouse versus solar gain)

Thermal efficiency (reduction of energy losses)

III - Security

Injury Protection (laminated, tempered, heat-strengthened)



IV - Decorative Integration




Digital Painting Glazed

Digital Painting in P.V.B (laminated)